Monthly Data Updates:
NCDC-cirs final data July
2013 (201307) NCDC-cirs preliminary data August 2013 (201308) CPC-cirs preliminary data January
2014 (201401) NCDC-nClimDiv prelim data November 2024 (202411)
Please open or download these .TXT files to update your data (200201-CPCprelim for
the nClimDiv gridded time series on same ncdc-cirs spatial regions) and charts. Note with 201502 nclimdiv adds Alaska's 13;US total moves fm 344 to 357.As of 2024090 addition of state code 49 total US climdiv moves
to 369 from 357. 20160427: addition nclimdiv series monthly from NCEI (formerly NCDC) Tmaxdv 20160620: added Tmindv from NCEI (formerly NCDC), increasingly regarded as less accurate component of tmp=(tmax
+tmin)/2. Consequently tmax sometimes used separately or in replacement of tmp. TXT files next year data range 2006-24.
202411pcpUS (658kb, 93pp) 202411tmpUS (658kb, 93 pp) 202411tmaxUS (658kb, 931pp) 202411tminUS (658kb, 931pp)
20150306. News Release Alaska CDs:
20140623. NCDC beginning with 201405 data releases Tmax and Tmin on their own and
in derived products CDD, HDD, etc. Details at ftp link below and other NCDC sites. 20151127: Clarification the downloadable file above is for nclimdiv's ctmp series meaning the monthly Mean not Tmax or
20140402. Transition on same climate division from CIRS to nclimdiv gridded data
occurred with February 201402 data. Learn more at: <> Perhaps
main effect arises from mountainous area contributions to cooler and wetter temperatures and precipitation, respectively, than in previous CIRS time series. DynaPred retains the same nomenclature, e.g.,
201402pcpUS because the individual climate divisions remain unchanged; the 'filling' data has changed.
20131226. ###ALERT: DATA CHANGE. NCDC has announced 201312 will be last discrete-station based ncdc-cirs series. Beginning 201401 data this climate
division series becomes based upon 5km square grids. More... follow link examine Future Dataset and Discovery Tool for comparisons.
20110905. DynaPred with 201107 end data adopts the 200703 I2I2I2I4
FORMAT. If you've been using the previous format, it will probably work in Excel but any machine reading of formats would need to adjust the Read input statements from I2I2I1I4 to the NCDC's 200703 I2I2I2I4
input metadata format.
ADDITIONAL DIGIT VARIABLE FORMAT. Spatial and climate identifiers beginning in leftmost column 1 changed from StCdVyyyy to StCdVVyyyy. This format change is readily compensated for manually while
importing .TXT files into a spreadsheet such as MSExcel. However, if you're reading this text (ASCII) file into another processing program such as Fortran, C++, etc. then almost all your input READ files
formats will need to be changed accordingly. Beginning with the 5th column first variable (V to VV), then yyyy, and then all the climate variable (e.g. temperature or precipitation) data fields have been
shifted one (1) digit to the right in a tabular, ASCII format. 200702 and previous format: 481012007 0.46 0.17 -9.99 -9.99
-9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 200703 commenced format: 4810
12007 .50 .17 1.47 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99 END ALERT###
Illinois 2003 precipitation, climate division 6, would be left headered by 110612003 where 11 is Illinois
(IL), 06 is NCDC climate division #6 and precipitation is climate variable 1, followed by CY 2003. The twelve columns to the right of the indicator set are the monthly precipitation values (January = 1,
February = 2, etc). Monthly accumulated precipitation is in inches, with missing data indicated by -9.99. September 2003 (200309) is then 2.60 inches.
11 612003 0.58 1.88 2.55 3.63 4.94 7.15 4.38 5.34 2.60 -9.99 -9.99 -9.99
North Dakota 2003 monthly mean temperature for climate division 4, is indicated by the first nine digits on
the left: 320422003 where 32 is North Dakota (ND), 04 is NCDC climate division #4, temperature is climate variable 2, followed by CY 2003. Monthly mean temperature (simple average of the daily midpoints during
the month) in degrees Fahrenheit (F) for September 2003 (200309) is then 59.70 F. Missing data indicator is -99.90 or -99.9.
32 422003 12.90 10.90 22.80 45.70 54.50 61.70 72.20 74.60 59.70 -99.90 -99.90 -99.9